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The Feminist Diversifying, Unifying, Globalizing Process

created by: Jasica Chiang & Sophie Wang

"Feminism in one country is not sustainable -- we need feminism on a global scale."
- Women in Development Europe, 1995


ACP Countries: Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific countries, most often under discussion when issues of global justice arise.

Globalization: a systemic process of development and change and a process of social system building at the global level.  

Globalization-from-above: Neoliberal economic policy environment and the growing power of international financial institutions, trade organizations, and other dominant international forces that have triggered collective responses from labor, environmental, and feminist groups. [1]

Globalization-from-below: social forces and social movement organizations that are agents fighting against globalization-from-above.  

Gloria Declaration: A declaration that emphasized the globalization of the market economy and religious fundamentalism as obstacles to achieving women’s health and rights.  [2]

IFI (International Financial Institutions): Global organizations such as the World Trade Organizations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, whose actions and policies most anti-globalization and global justice movement members oppose.

TFN (transnational feminist networks): structures that are organized above the national level that unite women from three or more countries around a common agenda, such as women’s human rights, reproductive health and rights, violence against women, peace and antimilitarism, or feminist economics. [3]


[1] Valentine M. Moghadam. Globalizing Women: Transnational Feminist Networks. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. pp 19-20.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.