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Feminist Transformation Central


Equal Rights and Opportunity Sexuality in the Family and Personal Life: Lesbian Feminism, Single Motherhood by Choice, Transgendered People, and Reproductive Rights

created by:

Annie Choi
Christine Wang


::Table of Contents::



Discrimination toward Gays, Lesbians, and Bisexuals

Non-heterosexual people face injustices in many areas, such as in the workforce, housing market, legally defined marital relationships, and familial rights. There are many instances of discrimination against gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. This is a violation of human rights.

Hate Crimes

The concept of discrimination refers to biased acts or practices towards particular human populations which provide advantages or disadvantages on the basis of physical, cultural, and/or behavioral characteristics (1). These actions are taken based on who the victims are as opposed to the situation surrounding them; therefore, they are not random acts of violence.

According to a psychological study by the National Institute of Mental Health, hate crimes based on sexual orientation have damaging psychological impacts, even more so than other crimes (2).


Many qualified individuals are denied job opportunities, fired, or discriminated against in other ways for reasons that are irrelevant to their performance and abilities.  Employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity denies qualified individuals equality in the workplace.  Although currently federal law provides basic legal protection against employment discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, or disability, it doesn’t provide much support for discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.


Housing discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people comes in a variety of forms. Except in the states that have implemented laws against discrimination based on sexual orientation, landlords have the ability to refuse housing to gays and lesbians. Many GLB people are refused rentals or home sales because the landlord or homeowners discovered that the applicants were gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Others have been told that they cannot put both partners' names on a homeowner's insurance policy, which is imperative if both partners desire to share ownership of the home.

There is no protection under federal laws, such as the Fair Housing Act, but many states provide their own forms of laws that prohibit discrimination against gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.


(1) Kallen, Evelyn. Social Inequality and Social Injustice. Palgrave Macmilla, 2004. pg 60.
(2)Kallen, Evelyn. Social Inequality and Social Injustice. Palgrave Macmilla, 2004. pg 93.