Equal Rights and Opportunity Sexuality in the Family and Personal Life: Lesbian Feminism, Single Motherhood by Choice, Transgendered People, and Reproductive Rightscreated by: Annie ChoiChristine Wang |
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Struggles of Gay, Lesbians, and Bisexuals"The [early 20th century] view of sexuality was tightly tied into gender roles, the sexual division of labor, and heterosexual marriage. Sexually healthy individuals were thought to feel sexual passion for members of the opposite sex... those who engaged in homosexual sex were not viewed as real women or men...This tight connection between sexuality and gender increased pressures on all indiviudals to conform to other, non-sexual aspects of their gender roles, for fear of being stigmatized as lesbian or gay." (Matthaei, 1995) The history of gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals in the United States is characterized by oppression and resistance. Individuals who deviate from society’s sexual norm have been tortured, imprisoned, ridiculed and even executed since the colonial days. Despite the on-going waves of condemnation and subjugation that gay, lesbian, and bisexual people have faced, they remain resilient. LGBT activists have demanded and sucessfully gained legal rights for gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals in many areas, except notably, in marriage and reproductive work. Gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals are denied reproductive rights and marriage rights on the basis sexual orientation. Up until 2005, only 15 states prohibited sexual orientation discrimination and only five barred gender identity discrimination. Currently, only Massachusetts issues marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and eight states permit civil unions or domestic partnerships. (2) As far as parental rights goes, gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals are allowed to have children by adoption, surrogacy, donor insemination, and foster care; however, the right for same-sex couples to adopt children and provide foster care varies across the states. While most states allow gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals to adopt children individually, a few states banned same-sex couple adoption as well as adoption by lesbian and gay individuals. In 2005, Florida banned same-sex couple adoption as well as adoption by gay and lesbian individuals. LGBT activists claim that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are oppressed because they are exploited by the majority. They are citizens, pay taxes, yet are still denied equal rights with heterosexuals based on their sexual orientation/preferences.(3) Members of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual communities are not only unable to acquire equal reproductive rights, they also face discrimination in other areas. Many gays, lesbians, and bisexuals live in terror and face systematic violence in their daily lives. They are continually discriminated against based on their gender identity and sexual orientation. Resources(1) Matthaei, J. The Union for Radical Political Economics. (1995), 27(2), 1-37.