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The Feminist Questioning and Envisioning Process

created by:

Aliya Khalidi & Seema Gokhale

Questioning & Envisioning Home
Global Questioning
Waves of Feminism








Women Around the World Proclaim their Rights!

Middle East:

Iranian Women Take on the Constitution

Activists for women's rights in Iran were upset by the election of the conservative Mahmoud Amhmadinejad to the Presidency. Women involved in this struggle tend to be middle class and university educated, but also span the political and religious spectrum. On June 12, 2005, approximately 2,000 Iranian women participated in a sit-in to protest the denial of women's rights in the constitutions. Over 90 women's groups signed the declaration. Many of the women involved in this declaration were inspired first by the Iranian Revolution in the 1980s.


Iran protest,



Nairobi Declaration on Women's and Girls' Rights to a Remedy and Reparation

At the International Meeting on Women's Girls' Right to a Remedy and Reparation held in Nairobi from 19 to 21 March 2007, women's right advocates and activists along with survivors of sexual violence around the world. These women have taken into account the many injustices they have faced not only in situations of sexual violence but also political and religious struggles of inequality that they face.




South Asia:

The Afghan Women's Bill of Rights (2003)

After the Taliban regime was ousted from Afghanistan by the US in 2001, new opportunities and possibilities were opened for Afghani women who had been oppressed by the practices of the Taliban. The government had not allowed women to enter the labor market, forbade them from walking the streets alone, and required head-to-toe covering. After the Taliban regime was removed, however, the voices of Afghani women were finally heard. A group dedicated improving rights for Afghan women, Women for Afghan Women, drafted.





(c) 2006 Aliya Khalidi. Seema Gokhale

Last modified: May 21, 2006