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The Feminist Questioning and Envisioning Process

created by:

Aliya Khalidi & Seema Gokhale

Questioning & Envisioning Home
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Waves of Feminism








Questioning/Envisioning Music & Lyrics

Questioning and Envisioning is not just a process of the past in the United States! The three following two songs - "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks, "Just a Girl" by Gwen Stefani, and "I am Woman, Hear Me Roar" by Helen Reddy declare the injustices that they feel when they see the way that women are treated. Often angry, often outraged, they ask the question they ask the question at the heart of the feminist struggle, the question that sparked the feminist struggle.

The question is: Why?


Bitch - Meredith Brooks (1997)

Just a Girl - No Doubt (1995)

I am Woman, Hear Me Roar - Helen Reddy (1971)




"Bitch" is a song about how every woman is multidimensional, and how she should not feel ashamed for it. Too many times, women are pushed into one category or another, or labeled as bitches, mothers, saints, etc. This song speaks to how we cannot simply label women one way, because every woman deserves the right to fulfill roles that make her own life worthwhile. When she says "I do not feel ashamed" she is signaling to women that they should be bold and willing to do what they want to do, rather than what society thinks they should do.

It an an angry yet powerful assertion of her rights as a woman.

"Just a girl" is about a woman deciding she has had enough of being overprotected (The moment that I step outside/So many reasons/For me to run and hide), and decided too much of her life for her. There are many ways in which society sees her as a burden(What I've become is so burdensome), or as too dumb to understand the ways of the world (Twiddle-dum there's no comparison ). By the end of the song, Stefani builds to a climax singing, Oh...I've had it up to here! By doing so, she is declaring for the world to see that she can imagine a better future for girls and women like her, and she wants them to stop treating her with the disrespect.

Click here for the video.

"I am Woman, Hear Me Roar" is a passionate song. Reddy shouts, "I am woman/ I am invincible/I am strong." By demanding that the listener to hear her metaphorical "roar," Reddy is showing that she can be loud and spirited, unlike the traditionally submissive role of women. She is not defined by males or the patriarchy.

She also initially acknowledges the struggles of the woman who came before her who paved the way for her freedom and independence ("You can bend but never break me/'cause it only serves to make me/
More determined to achieve my final goal)

Click here to listen to audio.



(c) 2006 Aliya Khalidi. Seema Gokhale

Last modified: May 21, 2006